Hello there,

In our day to day operations we see up to 50 people through our service, accessing support for mental health and childhood trauma, as well as some just needing a shower and some breakfast and conversation.

If you would like to make a donation to support us, no matter how big or small it’s always appreciated. With any donations received we ensure every dollar goes directly to the people we support in our community. This would include helping to supply a hot breakfast, coffees, toiletries or a pair of socks to keep someone warm.

If you wish to do so the details are

Male Room 2021 Trust

Thank you from the Male Room team.

Month February 2022

Church fixer’s damning revelations: 21 out of 23 St John of God brothers faced allegations of physical or sexual abuse

Damning revelations from a former church fixer reveals that almost all St John of God Catholic brothers faced allegations of physical or sexual abuse. Steve Kilgallon reports. In 2002, Sydney clinical psychologist Michelle Mulvihill made 13 trips to New Zealand;…

Read MoreChurch fixer’s damning revelations: 21 out of 23 St John of God brothers faced allegations of physical or sexual abuse

An Update of Peer Support/Peer Provided Services Underlying Processes, Benefits, and Critical Ingredients

The purpose of this article is to delineate the current state-of-the-knowledge of peer support following the framework employed in the 2004 article (Solomon, Psychiatr Rehabil J. 2004;27(4):392–401 1). A scoping literature was conducted and included articles from 1980 to present. Since…

Read MoreAn Update of Peer Support/Peer Provided Services Underlying Processes, Benefits, and Critical Ingredients

Catholic Church in New Zealand discovers 14 per cent of clergy accused of abuse, with Cardinal describing findings as ‘horrifying’

As many as one in seven Catholic diocesan clergy in New Zealand have been accused of abuse, according to an investigation by the church. But groups representing victims say that is likely to be a fraction of the actual abuse…

Read MoreCatholic Church in New Zealand discovers 14 per cent of clergy accused of abuse, with Cardinal describing findings as ‘horrifying’