Our Services

The helpline can be accessed free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by phone, text, website, online chat and email on:


Counselling can be paid by MSD via a G.P. referral if you are not working, or at a lower cost than other counselling services if you are employed.

We offer a confidential crisis intervention one on one counselling which is up to six sessions. Our counselling services will cover most issues and if the support you require needs specialist input i.e., addiction, we have a strong interagency support and our experienced staff can refer you to the appropriate agency.  

Separation support 

Guidance and support during acrimonious separations. Including emotional support especially when children are involved. We can advice regarding lawyers and matters regarding pathways to family court. 

Family court

We can support referrals for Lawyers and advise pathways in connecting with family court. We have a family court specialist based in the male room John Glazier who offers a wraparound service though Holistic Families. 


We link to a number of agencies within the Nelson area. This is called interagency support which is a positive and effective way to offer our clients an effective wraparound service in hope of offering the best possible outcome. 

Housing first

The Male room alongside the Salvation Army and Te Piki Oranga, collaborate to form Nelsons Housing First program. We have an outreach worker employed to help the chronically homeless into housing which includes a wraparound service of the individual. 

Domestic Violence

We work closely with other agencies involved with Domestic violence to support both victims and perpetrators. You do not need to stay silent if you are a male victim of domestic abuse, we offer a confidential and supportive service. 

Police safety orders

If you have been the recipient of a police safety order, we can provide accommodation for the length of the safety order. As well as any emotional and practical support.