Hello there,

In our day to day operations we see up to 50 people through our service, accessing support for mental health and childhood trauma, as well as some just needing a shower and some breakfast and conversation.

If you would like to make a donation to support us, no matter how big or small it’s always appreciated. With any donations received we ensure every dollar goes directly to the people we support in our community. This would include helping to supply a hot breakfast, coffees, toiletries or a pair of socks to keep someone warm.

If you wish to do so the details are

Male Room 2021 Trust

Thank you from the Male Room team.

Waihi dad shares story of sexual violence with other Bay survivors

Thirty years on from the first time he was raped, Sam Troth regularly wakes up at night crying and with cold sweats.

But after three years of counselling, the Waihi father of six is more than halfway through his mission of walking across New Zealand encouraging other men to speak about sexual violence.

Troth, 39, shared his story with other men during a barbecue on Friday at Male Survivors Bay of Plenty – a place where he receives regular counselling support.

His mission to walk the length of the country started in Bluff on October 24, eager to generate conversations about male sexual violence and show others his vulnerable side. He expected to finish the walk in Cape Reinga on December 30.

I am owning my past and saying it’s okay. And it’s a good feeling because it’s helping other people do the same.

Read full article.